[PLUG-TALK] Chirac's shocker... Iraq.

alex alexlinux at qwest.net
Thu Dec 25 08:34:36 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 22:55, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "alex" == alex  <alexlinux at qwest.net> writes:
> alex> I don't support the killing of the poor in any manner. I support
> alex> giving them the tools and the knowledge to improve themselves
> alex> while they are on assistance so they can then get off the
> alex> dole. 
> Excellent.  But most politicians don't agree.  They mouth those words,
> sure, but they don't follow up with the resources to actually make it
> reality.

So why don't we vote out of office those that keep enabling the current
system and vote into office those that will actually make the changes
necessary? I honestly think that welfare and all other entitlement
programs should be reformed to be more cost effective. It seems that
they have become huge money pits with no bottom to be found.
alex <alexlinux at qwest.net>

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