[PLUG-TALK] The Banning.

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Wed Feb 4 23:02:19 UTC 2004

>>>>> "(not)" == (not) Robby Russell <plugcensoredme at tearitalldown.com> writes:

(not)> Embrace your enemy.... the one lesson that no one ever wants to
(not)> consider as a viable option.

I think, reviewing the record, I have from the very beginning been
trying to reconcile whatever it was (never defined) that led to PDXLUG
splitting in the first place.  I have consistently asked why we can't
cooperate.  Coherent answer?  dead-air.

(not)> I have never personally banned anyone on any list so please do
(not)> not throw that back at me. 

You joined (hell, co-founded) a group that explicitly said that it
_would_ ban people.  I think you'd better be prepared to catch
whatever is thrown.

(not)> Your own leader has not since December answered my questions,
(not)> issues, etc regarding the name problem. He has however sent
(not)> people on his behalf to do his dirty work and this bothers
(not)> me. If said owner of DBA wishes to discuss this with us, have
(not)> him do so. 

The people who are asking you to fix the name are not doing it on
David Mandel's behalf.  They are doing it on their own behalf.  David
Mandel did not get the DBA for his own benefit, but for the benefit of
the group.

Russell Senior         ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
seniorr at aracnet.com

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