Was [PLUG-TALK] I don't like a certain change on plug...

Darkhorse plug_0 at robinson-west.com
Fri Nov 12 06:53:58 UTC 2004

> >  The question that comes to my mind is 
> >why?  What has lead to such stark geo-political contrasts across 
> >the nation?
> >  

> Those with more exposure to the world have a more worldly view. They 
> aren't as rigidly tied to the ideas their parents instilled in them, and 
> they are more accepting of other views, even when they are 180 degrees 
> from their own views.
> In other words, those who accept everyone else, understand that everyone 
> else just wants to be accepted like they are.

The homosexual fight going on is not an equality one, but you can't see
that so you're practically impossible to work with.
> >Perhaps it's a campaign of tear down people's inhibitions, a weaken
> >marriage then declare the institution extended to same sex couples
> >campaign.  Homosexuals that want to be recognized as married forget
> >something though, marriage is an instiution determined by nature 
> >that predates politics.

> Maybe it's just that some of us realize that sex is not a bad thing, and 
> that talking about it is the best way to take care of the human race.

I never said it was.  

Sex is so beautiful, it's a gift from God that allows 
us humans to share in creation with Him and should be 
treated as such.

> All nature ever invented was sex drive. Male sex drive says to 
> impregnate as many females as possible so that his genes get spread as 
> far and wide as possible. Female sex drive says to pick the best partner 
> she can so that her genes have the best chance of surviving.

A gross misrepresentation.  There's physical attraction, but our
sexuality underlies compassion and our perceptions of beauty, 
not to be confused with sexiness.  Not all people are called to
married life and the upbringing of children finding happiness
in the single and religious life.  Women often want strong 
protectors and are highly subsceptible to physical abuse 
and/or being objectized.  The highest expression of sexuality 
is reversed for a man and women who are married and is 
essentially creative.

> That's ALL nature has to say about it.

God work's through nature.  The natural world as we know would not
have existed this long if He didn't.  There's no way science can
account for everything in nature because more keeps getting found
defying the limits of human perception.  Human science is as 
limited as the human scientists behind it.

> >Why are we doing the gay/lesbian thing?  Aren't gays and lesbians in
> >total .1% of the entire population of the Earth?
> >
> I don't know. I do know that some of my best friends as either 
> homosexual or bi-sexual. Why can't these folks be treated the same as 
> all the heterosexuals of the world? What's wrong with saying they can't 
> be discriminated against?

As long as you don't discriminate against them by encouraging 
them to abuse their sexual gift from God, nothing.  Sexual 
intimacy is reversed for a husband and wife and must be open 
to life.  It is not open to a single boyfriend and girlfriend 
couple, two women, or two men.  Children deserve parents, male 
and female, in a loving marital union.  Societies, no matter 
how large a base you're talking about, have to reproduce to 

Nature has dictated for the human race that it takes a man 
and a woman to produce a child.  This is not a political 
reality, it's a natural one.  Since when is nature anything 
but beautiful?  Sexual reproduction has been worth it in 
evolution.  Look at how it diversifies the gene pools.  
Study flowers and realize that the brilliant colors are 
in part made possible by sexual reproduction.  

> >  There don't seem to
> >be the numbers to justify the binge we're on.  Clearly there's 
> >excessive energy going into this issue though.  There must be a lot
> >of people pretending to be homosexual or those who are vocal must
> >have a lot of money.  Maybe the majority in this country is just plain
> >silent most of the time.
> >  
> >
> Or maybe there's just a growing population that realizes that it's the 
> "HUMAN" race. Not the "heterosexual" race or the "Christian" race. You 
> are one of the biggest proponents of "human" rights when it comes to 
> abortion or stem cell research, but now when it comes to another segment 
> of the population, you are ready to kick them to the curb and call them 
> fakes.

I might kick anyone who wants to boil human sexuality down to the 
free sex of the 60's mentality to the curb.  That mentality 
hurts society, see high divorce rates.  Well actually, I'm not 
into the whole physical brutality thing.  Sometimes it's not even
worth trying to say something depending on the person who has
a problem.  Homosexuals are not outside of society because we
don't encourage them to live in homosexual unions.  They
are as much a part of society as anyone else and they should
support their fellow man the way you do.

> Make up your mind. Either you support human rights, or you don't.

I support the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 
for the unborn and every other human person.  

> Or, you could do like most organized religions do, and waffle.

That's quite a claim.  Sounds like more of a cop-out than a truth.
It's not an argument and that's why it's not going to fly with the
American people.

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