[PLUG-TALK] Re: Socialist Facism

GLL guy1656 at ados.com
Mon Nov 15 04:48:38 UTC 2004

: "Socialist fascism"?!?  That's a bit like saying "communist capitalism".
: It don't fly.  Fascism was a reaction to socialism and, in many ways,
: diametrically opposed socialism.

Take a moment to look at the fasces on the back of any ordinary US dime. 
Fasces, the root word for fascism, is the symbol for governmet application of 
FORCE, such as beating crowds of protesters, which is what thr Romans used 
them for. The bundle was untied and the rods were handed out to the soldiers, 
who would use them like riot gear. The center one among nine, or perhaps one 
in ten, (I forgot) was an axe. Fascism is whenever threat of a gang of thugs 
(government or otherwise) is applied against citizens, to foist upon them 
(Webster's here) "severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible 
suppression of opposition." So, the people who came onto my property a few 
weeks ago and tore up my Bush/Cheney signs were Fascist Assholes, attempting 
to suppress my freedom of expression. Got that?

Under socialism, in which the purpose of invention and economic activity is 
kidnapped from personal success, pleasure, gain, or a chance to earn enough 
now so that one can quit work - totally - later in life, and rechanneled to 
support the Good of the People or the Good of the State, said confiscation 
enforced by Government Thugs. "If you get too productive we will confiscate 
an ever increasing slice of your success." By beating down its most 
economically cabable and efficient participants to little more than the 
capability ot the Average Schlubb, socialism is certainly an exmple of 
"severe economic regimentation," and it tolerates little private competition 
against its Public Institutions (schools, utilities, garbage handling, power 
stations, transportation, personal security and property protection,) and it 
attempts to squelch opposition in the form of private alternatives to these 
Public Institutions. To which the best response I have heard is: "Who is John 

By the way, since neither the Good of the People or the Good of the State are 
scientifically demonstrable entities, then government coersion to support 
these fictions is equal in oppression as in a theocracy: "You must believe 
that the People are worthy of your economic and spiritual support, without 
demonstration or proof, or else we will punish you" = "You must worship the 
Big Purple and Green Thingie every Tuesday with us, and obey Its Edicts, or 
we the Collective will burn your house down and kill your family."

 - GLL

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