[PLUG-TALK] Comcast web space changes

Russell Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Tue Nov 13 02:42:17 UTC 2007

Russell Senior wrote:
> russj> The argument is irrelavent, since the entire internet is a
> russj> shared medium.
> I don't have the data to prove superiority of one over another, but
> I'll argue that it *could* matter where the medium sharing occurs.
Well, it can make a difference. It's roughly analogous (in design, 
anyway) to the difference between 10base2 and 10baseT. The Hub in 
10baseT has the long wire, while 10base2 has 'T's in the wire to attach 
more computers.
> The basic outline of the argument is that it is less expensive, and
> thus more likely to occur, to increase capacity closer to the trunk
> than it is closer to the leaves.
Given. Although I doubt they've saturated the lines, and they're always 
finding ways to pack more data down the same pipe.
> For me, the argument is moot, since comcast doesn't provide the
> freedom I want.  I am stuck on 7 Mbps DSL until open-access FTTP rides
> in wearing glintingly shiny armor on a splendid white horse.
I moved my "services" to a hosting company, and became a client only 
node at home. And I save about $100 a month over my previous setup.

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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