[PLUG-TALK] The trouble with different browsers...

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Fri Dec 26 06:39:49 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-12-25 at 22:32 -0800, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "Denis" == Denis Heidtmann <denish at dslnorthwest.net> writes:
> Denis> This to too much. [...]
> Not to be worrying.  If we can make any progress on health care with
> the new administration, Mr Robinson will soon be getting the
> medication he so clearly needs.

I need medication do I?  Well, I won't be able to get it with the long
lines at the drug store that Obama will create.  No, I don't need
medication.  If you aren't a raving liberal who is pro homosexual
marriage, pro abortion, anti Christian, atheist, etcetera you
need medication?  I respectfully disagree.

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