[PLUG-TALK] MRC - Should marriage be open to homosexual couples?

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Thu Feb 5 09:50:41 UTC 2009

> In short: it's as much of a crime in Oregon to discriminate against  
> gay people as it is to discriminate against somebody based on their  
> religion, or race, or marital status (etc.). So, it's pretty much the  
> same thing as how an employer would naturally shy away from hiring  
> somebody who has a history of posting virulently racist screeds to  
> public mailing lists... it's a lot of risk for an employer to assume,  
> especially when the potential employee has stated that they strongly  
> feel they should do/say things that could place their employer at risk.
> In case that didn't register, I'll simplify it: Discrimination  
> against GLBTQ is unlawful in many situations in all of Oregon. It can  
> get you fired, sued, and possibly thrown in jail.
> Here's a starting point for all the PLUG folks who work in/for  
> businesses (or other covered areas where discrimination is illegal):
> http://www.google.com/search?q=Oregon+Equality+Act
> Oh, and "just ignoring" somebody doesn't work too well with lawyers,  
> judges, and police officers. That tends to make them cranky. ;)

Actually, it is discriminatory to tell someone to act in a way I don't
believe in.  You know what Joe, never put the safety on when handling
your gun and always point the tip of the barrel at your forehead.  What
do you mean that's dangerous Joe?  What, you're saying that I wouldn't
do that?  Well Joe, I'm not you and I don't want to discriminate against
your views on how to handle a gun.  I don't have to work for some jerk 
in Oregon that discriminates by encouraging so called gays to be
homosexually active.  That is no different in my opinion than telling
Joe to point a loaded gun with the safety off at his own head.

Age 17 is a minor.  Sex with a 17 year old is sex with a minor and it
is illegal for good reason.  The mayor screwed up and he lied about it.
He proved that active homosexuals who lie cannot be trusted with public
office.  He should be recalled effective immediately and replaced with
someone who is both straight and trustworthy.

The Supreme Court of the United States will not uphold Oregon's
discriminatory anti discrimination law.  It's wrong to compel people
to treat human homosexuality and transexuality as if they are no
different and in fact equal to heterosexuality.  It is as wrong as
making blacks sit on the back of the bus was in the 50's.  I'm not
afraid of the Oregon Court system and I am certainly not afraid of being
fired.  If an Oregon employer wants to fire me for opposing the
redefinition of marriage because I believe that that is bad for society,
bring it on.  Even if the state were to execute me, that wouldn't change
my mind one iota about the foolishness of redefining marriage.

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