[PLUG-TALK] Since Portland is a major center of GLBT activity...

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Fri Feb 6 05:11:28 UTC 2009

> At least Sam Adams isn't posting in linux related forums about how the
> lifestyles of other people are equivalent to murder and rape because
> he's upset with an ex-girlfriend.

Why are you theorizing that I'm doing this because of some ex
girlfriend?  Sam Adams seducing Breedlove has nothing to do with
me having an ex girlfriend or not having one.  Abortion is
murder and homosexual sex is rape.  Actually, I believe the
term for homosexual sex is sodomy.  FOCA is a terrible act
that should not pass because it denies state rights and
Sam Adams behavior is abysmal and inappropriate for a public 

> Again, please cease and desist on this list with your messages
> relating to your moral beliefs.

Stick that where the sun don't shine and the cucumbers don't grow.
This isn't a linux specific list, it's a random chatter and useless 
chat list.  "Random clatter and time wasting chat"  Say this as
much as you want, I'm not going to listen to you.

Sam Adams is guilty of encouraging Breedlove to enter into an
inappropriate relationship with him.  He is guilty of encouraging
Breedlove to lie about the relationship in order to save his 
political career.  Sam Adams should be recalled or sent to jail
if it turns out that Breedlove was 17 at the time they had sex.
As far as making 16 the age of consent, that isn't the law in
Oregon where it appears that Breedlove was immature and

In the urban center at PSU I find it interesting that an anti
homosexual sex bible passage is on the wall covered by
grafitti attacking it.  It is only a matter of time till the
radical GLBT movement gets a dose of reality, the reality that
homosexual and bisexual behavior is unhealthy and unwanted.
The Baptist protest of PSU's GLBT center was only the beginning.
People will stand up and reasonable standards of conduct will 
be established.  No sex outside of marriage.  No homosexual or
bisexual sex.  The people of Portland will eventually get fed

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