[PLUG-TALK] Should marriage be open to homosexual couples?

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Fri Feb 6 08:40:11 UTC 2009

Stop putting MRC in the subject heading.

I am not a member of the Taliban, christian or otherwise.

Religious teachings are perfectly valid reasons for encouraging or
discouraging something.  God hates homosexual sex, that is why I
am against it.  That is why I am against so called gay marriage.
For me to say that homosexual sex is okay when I know it is not
would be discriminatory.  Telling someone to do something disordered
or to carry on with a disordered activity because it is politically
correct to do so is still morally and ethically wrong.

I've read stories from NARTH about homosexuals who have tried to
leave a homosexual lifestyle only to be attacked and/or killed
by former partners.  Sexual violence among homosexuals is more
likely than violence among heterosexuals because homosexuality
is so gravely disordered.  Government has no business encouraging
same sex couples to stay together in a sexual relationship.

Marriage should not be extended to homosexual couples for the good
of society.  Marriage is not merely a civil event nor is it something
that any ol ceremony is sufficient for.  Gay marriages in any church
are invalid because a man cannot marry a man anymore than a woman
can marry a woman.

As far as the every country that has embraced religiously derived
legal systems has failed comment, the Vatican is NOT a failed state.

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