[PLUG-TALK] Suckers for fairness, equality, and victims...

Someone plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Sat Jan 3 06:46:07 UTC 2009

Homosexuals are not victims.  
There is no fairness issue when it comes to the impossible.
Men and women are complementarily different, thank goodness we are not
equal in body.  Men and women are equal in spirit and dignity, which is
what really counts after all.

Society can’t enable men to marry men or women to marry women any more
than we can enable men to turn into ducks or women to turn into geese.
Denying people these abilities is not a matter of fairness or equal
access. It is not a matter of discrimination or bigotry. We simply do
not have the ability.

This can be seen by considering the nature of marriage.

You don’t have to appeal to anything religious in order to make this
point. The argument can be constructed entirely along the lines of
natural law, avoiding the "separation of Church and state" canard.

What Marriage Is

It is obvious to all that sex is about reproduction. That’s what it’s
for in animals, and that’s what it’s for in us. We may find it
enjoyable, but from a biological perspective, thatA Legal Fiction

Given the fact that marriage is a reality of human nature, we cannot
change it. We don’t have the ability to alter human nature.

The most society could do is institute homosexual marriage as a legal
fiction. That is to say, we could create laws requiring those in society
to treat those in homosexual unions as if they were married. People
could be required to refer to homosexual unions as "marriages," to refer
to people in such unions as "spouses," to alter forms so that people in
such unions can present themselves as such, and to give them the status
of married people regarding adoption, housing, taxes, insurance,
divorce, and inheritance.

But while the law could be rewritten to coerce society into treating
people in homosexual unions as if they were married, this would not give
them the reality of marriage. It would not change the nature of their
union to correspond to what marriage actually is. All society would be
doing is playing a word game, stretching the term marriage so that it no
longer picks out a particular human reality that has existed and will
continue to exist—unaltered—no matter what word games are played around
it. is motivation to get
us to engage in it and thus reproduce our species.

Sex is about babies, and there is an important fact about babies: They
are helpless and require an enormous amount of care and attention. It’s
a full-time job more than one person can handle. Even when they grow out
of the infant stage, children still need two parents to take care of
them and provide for the family.

Children also take a long time to mature. They won’t be biologically
mature for around two decades, and they may not be socially mature and
able to serve as functioning, independent members of society for even
longer. When more children come along, that only prolongs the period of
investment parents have to make in raising their offspring.

Raising children is a multi-decade effort that needs the involvement of
both parents. The fact that human offspring require so much care and
take so long to mature means that their parents need to be joined in a
stable union. This union even extends beyond the childrearing years,
because by the time the offspring are grown the parents are in their
declining years and need to start taking care of each other (as well as
receiving help from their offspring).

Thus, as the Code of Canon Law points out, "marriage is a permanent
partnership between a man and a woman ordered to the procreation of
offspring by means of some sexual cooperation" (CIC 1096 §1). This is
the reality of what marriage is and what it has been understood to be in
all human societies in history, even those that have been otherwise
tolerant of homosexuality.

Human nature thus leads to sex, which leads to offspring, which leads to
the reality of childrearing, which leads to marriage—an institution
found in every human culture and understood in the way just described.

A Legal Fiction

Given the fact that marriage is a reality of human nature, we cannot
change it. We don’t have the ability to alter human nature.

The most society could do is institute homosexual marriage as a legal
fiction. That is to say, we could create laws requiring those in society
to treat those in homosexual unions as if they were married. People
could be required to refer to homosexual unions as "marriages," to refer
to people in such unions as "spouses," to alter forms so that people in
such unions can present themselves as such, and to give them the status
of married people regarding adoption, housing, taxes, insurance,
divorce, and inheritance.

But while the law could be rewritten to coerce society into treating
people in homosexual unions as if they were married, this would not give
them the reality of marriage. It would not change the nature of their
union to correspond to what marriage actually is. All society would be
doing is playing a word game, stretching the term marriage so that it no
longer picks out a particular human reality that has existed and will
continue to exist—unaltered—no matter what word games are played around

Don't be a sucker.  Homosexuality is a disease and those who have
homosexual tendencies need our respect and our prayers.  Those who
can be cured of these tendencies should be, they should be released
from their trial.  Those who cannot be cured, which is apparently
not many, need encouragement to stay chaste and avoid occasions
of sin.  I am as strongly against inappropriate sexual behavior
from heterosexuals as I am against inappropriate sexual behavior 
from homosexuals, I don't discriminate.

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