[PLUG-TALK] rooting android phone with linux based toolchain

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Thu Aug 25 01:29:34 UTC 2011

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 17:47, Michael Rasmussen <michael at jamhome.us> wrote:
> I'm being incredibly dense and not finding out how to do this via Google.
> Would someone please whack me with a cluestick?

It depends wildly on the phone, but the xda forums and the CyanogenMod
wiki should both have pretty much the full set of details you need.  I
never needed anything other than Linux, or a Mac, to root the phones I
had access to.  For the newest models, of course, it could be that the
tools have not yet been developed though; I usually buy behind the
curve enough that I have no great trouble.


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