[PLUG-TALK] Where's Venus?

Michael Rasmussen michael at jamhome.us
Sun Apr 22 20:49:53 UTC 2018

On 2018-04-21 15:51, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> Is there a simple web or desktop app that uses clock
> time and GPS location to identify the brighter objects
> in the night (or daytime) sky?  Extra bonus points for
> a skyview app that includes the realtime positions of
> satellites computed from their orbital elements, and
> aircraft from realtime flight tracking information.
> If ordinary people can easily identify what they see in
> the sky, they may be slightly less prone to hypothesize
> alien spaceships.  And if enough people from widely
> different locations photograph a moving object that is
> NOT asily explained, perhaps they will discover something
> new and interesting.


It has a search feature that will guide you to objects of interest.
Note, pointing it at your feet will show the sky as visible from the 
other side of the planet. Horizons are not respected.

       Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon
     Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity

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