[PLUG] Put an End to Word Attachments

Craighead, Scot D craighead.scot at vectorscm.com
Wed Apr 10 17:01:53 UTC 2002

>Well, that's the really important issue.  Do you WANT to read the MS Word
>2150 document or do you want to read the information expressed in the MS
>Word 2150 document?  They are separable.  So send the crap back and get
>only what you want.

Boy, I have to agree with Jeme, here.  However, I don't know that I would
have the brass balls to send a message like that to my boss.  Sending it to
my brother would generate some hostility as he is a M$ nut.  Probably worth
doing just to aggitate him, though.  Are there any managers out there?  If
one of your employees sent you a message like this would you be annoyed with
them?  What if they are using company computers that have M$ Office
installed on them?

>It's like using stevia instead of sugar.  I want the sweet, but not the
>tooth decay.  

What the heck is stevia?  Do I even want to know?

>Or better yet, like sitting in the non-smoking section of a
>restaurant.  I want the food, but not the cancer.

Anyone can quit smoking; it takes a man to face cancer! ;)

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