[PLUG] Shell Shortcuts

Tyler F. Creelan creelan at engr.orst.edu
Sat Aug 10 19:49:31 UTC 2002

I put together this list of handy shortcuts in the bash shell, a lot of
them apply in other shells as well.

Handy shell shortcuts

key		effect
Control A	jump to start of line
Control E	jump to end of line
Control K	delete to end of line
Control U	delete whole line
Control L	clear screen
Control D	log out / delete character

Control Y	yank deletions
Control X ~	list user accounts
Control W	delete word to the left
Control T	transpose two characters

Control F	Move forward a character
Control B	Move backward a character
Meta F		move forward one word
Meta B		move backward one word

Control R	search history in reverse
Control S	search history
Control P	move up history
Control N	move down history

More info:

Tyler F. Creelan
College of Engineering
Oregon State University
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--Benjamin Franklin

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