[PLUG] It's free as in air and speech, not free as in beer.

Richard Langis richard.langis at sun.com
Wed Aug 21 20:41:00 UTC 2002

Russ Johnson wrote:
> At 11:13 AM 8/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> I don't think it helps in a literal sense, but I bet the trouble shooting
>> skills and the ability to learn hands on helped you a lot.  The 
>> ability to
>> look at a multidimensional problem and mentally ignore the parts that
>> work, so that you can focus on a solution.  Fixing thing is a skill,
>> regardless of the domain.
> Thanks for that. I hadn't looked at it that way before.

Agreed, that's a good way of seeing things.  In this vein, I suppose 
it's not that odd anymore that I work on my own cars and my own 
computers.  I don't need to take my computers to the 'shop' to get a 
driver issue fixed, nor do I need to take my car in to have the oil 
changed (or the transmission, for that matter).

Now I have to figure out just *why* I'm weird though...  Thanks alot.  :P


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