[PLUG] Mozilla Upgrade

Robbert van Andel robbert at vafam.com
Fri Aug 30 05:12:35 UTC 2002

I'm having an issue upgrading Mozilla 1.1.  I downloaded the RPM from
Mozilla.org and tried doing an RPM -ivh mozilla-1.1-0.i386.rpm and get
the following

Error: failed dependencies:
	Mozilla-nspr = 1.1-0 is needed by mozilla-1.1-0

So I downloaded mozilla-nspr-1.1-0.i386.rpm and tried the same rpm
command on it.  I get the following error

Error: failed dependencies
	mozilla-nspr = 0.9.9-12.7.3 is needed by mozilla-0.9.9-12.7-3
	mozilla-nspr = 0.9.9-12.7.3 is needed by
	mozilla-nspr = is needed by

I tried adding -U to do an upgrade, but got the same error.  Anyone out
there have an idea that I can use to upgrade Mozilla and deal with the
dependencies.  I'm guessing I'm missing a switch on the rpm command.

Robbert van Andel

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