[PLUG] Emacsen (IDE) (Re: Path statement)

Karl M. Hegbloom karlheg at pdxlinux.org
Tue Dec 3 21:47:55 UTC 2002

Remember the emacs tip of the day I posted last night re "local
variables"?  Well, another very useful buffer local variable is
`compile-command'.  Use it like this if you like, for simple one file C

// Local Variables:
// compile-command: "gcc-3.2 -o alloc_thread -O2 alloc_thread.c -l pthread"
// End:

What that does is give a default command for when you use "M-x compile".
That also can be used for non compiled stuff where you run a script or
something, though more often what you want then is
"after-save-commands.el", part of XEmacs.  (M-x customize-variable,

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