[PLUG] more vs. less -- random discoveries

Mark Bynum mark at mjbynum.org
Sat Jul 6 02:19:42 UTC 2002

On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 06:52:21PM -0700, Tyler F. Creelan wrote:
> For a while now I've used more instead of less because 'less' clears my
> terminal screen upon quitting. I just discovered this can be prevented
> using 'less -X': another convenience is having less quit at the end of a
> file like more: 'less -E'.
> If you use 'less' as your output processor for the man pages, the options
> can be specified using:
> alias man='man --pager="less -XE"'
> However, this doesn't seem to work on solaris systems, so you might have
> to test the version. This can be done using a 'gnutest' function, ie:


LESS="-XE"; export LESS
PAGER="path/to/less"; export PAGER

Sets it everytime. I believe I do something like LESS="Eiqs" for my less
variable. I do this in my login files.


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