[PLUG] The perfect spam filter

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Wed Jul 10 16:59:38 UTC 2002

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 07:24:08 -0700
Steve Beattie <steve at wirex.net> wrote:

> I dump my likely spam to a folder that every couple of weeks I open
> to see if it trapped any legitimate mail. Because I abhor the thought
> of spam taking up any more precious disk space than necessary, I have
> procmail gzip it -- here's my relavent procmail rule:

Gee, you must not get much spam. :)

I look through the spam folder all the time, because I get between 20 and 50 spams per day. If I let it build up for a week, I'd be there for an hour checking to see if there's anything legitimate. I've had spamassassin running for 6 months now, and it's maybe caught 5 legitimate emails as spam. But you are correct. Sending it to /dev/null is final. You'll never know if something DOES start getting misdirected. 

Instead of zipping it, I just delete it after looking through the folder. No problem, no storage. :)

"The power to untie is stronger than the power to tie."                         
Well, yeah, otherwise my shoes would tie themselves.                            
Russ Johnson                                                                    
Stargate Online                                                                 
ICQ: 3739685:Airneil

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