[PLUG] - umount samba share as non-root

Derek Loree derek at infotects.com
Tue Jun 11 23:33:57 UTC 2002


I appreciate your taking the time to make these suggestions.  Thank you.

On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 15:37, D. Cooper Stevenson wrote:
> Derek;
> I'm working on a project right now, but here's a few thoughts that come
> to mind:
> 1) You can pass options to the mount command, like so:
>    mount -o users -o noauto /dev/device_mounting_from
> /destination_directory

I tried the command:

smbmount //winbox/"My Documents" /home/derek/mnt -o username=derek -o

which mounted, but won't umount unless I'm root.  If I swap the order of
the options, the mount will fail.  If I place the -o user right after
the smbmount, I get an incorrect usage error; which does not list "user"
as a valid option.

If I issue the command:

mount -t smbfs -o user //winbox/"My Documents" /home/derek/mnt

I get the "you must be root" error.
> 2) You can put this is a script and run it from the command line.
> 3) Red Hat used to have a graphical mount tool. I assume other
> distributions do, too. Red Hat aficionados can help you here if you have
> Red Hat. Some restrictions may apply, see your dealer for details.
I use debian unstable, and can't get any of the GUI tools to work, my
thinking is that if I can get it to work from command line, I have a
much better shot at getting the GUI to work (not that I need to, once
the command line is working).
> You may want to search for ``mount'' or ``mount tool'' on
> www.freshmeat.net.

That turned out to be a great idea!  I didn't find a program, but I did
find a link to a How-To that I hadn't seen before, and it mentioned the
command smbumount (now that I see it, duh).  So:

smbumount /home/derek/mnt 

did the trick!!

Life with SMB is looking much less complicated now.



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