[PLUG] Deciphering ethereal capture

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Jun 26 13:47:53 UTC 2002

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Steve Bonds wrote:

> The symptoms describe almost perfectly a case of trying to run a
> non-passive FTP through a firewall.  As soon as FTP tries to open up the
> data port from the server back to your computer (after the initial control
> connection) it hangs.  The "ls" command triggers it.
> Make sure that your ~/.ncftp/prefs file is set up for passive mode only.


  I understand this. Both ncftp and ftp are set in passive mode, and they
worked just fine for a couple of years. This is a behavior new within the
past couple of months. That's what's so puzzling.
> PS: SANS has a class with a large portion devoted to learning how to read
> packet captures.  http://www.sans.org/onlinetraining/track3.php

  Thank you.


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