Dan Haskell danh at fork.com
Wed May 1 20:14:12 UTC 2002

OK. I screwed up on my first attempt at posting this, here goes a second

On 30 Apr 2002, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> But not "X Windows".  It doesn't exist.  I use it as a clue-filter on
> my resume scanner.  You failed.

Yes. "Windows" is a registered trademark owned by the Beast of Redmond
(wonder what the folks at the trademark office were smoking that day...)
It's also not the proper name for X.

That said, I just want to emphasize that - despite his entanglement in
Randal's clue filter - Geoff has put a lot of work into this presentation
and he does know what he's talking about. The presentation is aimed at
beginning to intermediate users who want to be able to customize their X

Dan Haskell

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