[PLUG] Aterm Ignores /etc/profile

Longman, Bill longman at sharplabs.com
Fri May 3 22:37:24 UTC 2002

> All;
> I use aterm in Window maker for my terminals. I like to use 
> the Vi sequences when I am editing on the command line.
> This works when I am in a virtual terminal thanks to a line 
> in /etc/profile as follows:
>   set -o vi
> When I use 'aterm,' though, it's like the terminal completely 
> spaces off /etc/profile.
> The 'set -o vi' line in /etc/profile is totaly independent of 
> any if statements, eg:
>   if [[ $TERM = aterm ]]
>    blow_off_profile_settings();
>   fi


The /etc/profile only gets read on login shells. You'll be hard pressed to
get it to run from X spawns. Actually, it's a common problem. You'll need to
place it in your $ENV file for it to fire each time the shell is forked. And
it doesn't work in .profile or .bash_profile either because like
/etc/profile, those only get parsed once per login.


miswelux01> echo $ENV
miswelux01> cat .functions
alias ..="cd .."

function lx {
  ls -Cp $*

function by {

function ll {
  ls -l $*

function la {
  ls -la $*

set -o emacs
$HOST> '

(I've switched from vi to emacs....-)


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