[PLUG] GNU question

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu May 9 17:17:42 UTC 2002

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Kyle Accardi wrote:

> (c)   Open Source.  Recipient's license rights to the Software are 
> conditioned upon Recipient (i) not distributing such Software, in whole or 
> in part, in conjunction with Potentially Viral Software (as defined below); 

  I guess that I'm really confused. Aren't all the virii running around the
'Net and within sites exclusively affecting Microsoft OSes and applications?
And aren't they all written with Microsoft development tools? If one were to
argue this in a court, it should be easily provable that the open source
names they cite in the EULA don't contain, propagate or nurture virii.
However, ... Microsoft is regularly infested; consider the "odd spam" thread
of the past couple of days.

  Just like Alice in Wonderland, we've entered a place where logic and
rationality are suspended and words mean only what Microsoft says they mean.


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