[PLUG] Searching the archives

Benjamin Prew bprew at logiccloud.com
Sat Nov 2 22:18:45 UTC 2002


I wanted to look through the archives today for a question I had with
rpmfind and I was wondering if there was any way to search the
archives?  I poked around pdxlinux.org and I was only able to look
through each month sorted by thread,date,author,etc... Other then
downloading the entire archive (~34m) and searching it myself, I
couldn't find anything... 


PS my rpmfind question was: I get this error:
rpmFetchDistribList: failed to grab distrib list

I tried to go there manually, and the distribs directory doesn't exist
on the server.  Is there some config setting I should be using, or not
using as the case may be... I have rpmfind 1.8

bprew (at) logiccloud.com

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