[PLUG] replacing lines in a httpd.conf file

Richard Kurth rkurth at starband.net
Sat Nov 16 08:29:54 UTC 2002

I need to replace a series of lines in a httpd.conf file on the fly.
So it needs to be done in a bash file. I have been trying a bunch of
different ways mostly with sed. It seams there would be a cleaner way
to do it. Below is what I have so far. There are five different
sections that have to be changed or have lines added to them.
Is there a better way of doing this?

cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf.autocontrol

sed -e '/my (@ssl_conf,$ip,$group,$rewrite_rules,$proto,$ret);/a\
my ($portnumber);
'  < /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf > /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new
cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf
rm /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new

sed -e '/$proto = 'https';/a\
    $portnumber = '5001';
'  < /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf > /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new
cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf
rm /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new

sed -e '/$proto = 'http';/a\
   $portnumber = '5000';
'  < /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf > /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new
cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf
rm /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new 

sed -e '/RewriteRule .*cgi-bin\/.cobalt.* proto:\/\/servername:81.*/a\
### Begin - Autocontrol ###\
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                ^([^:]+)\
RewriteRule ^/acp/?$                     proto://servername:portnumber/autocontrol/index.php\
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}               ^([^:]+)\
RewriteRule ^/ucp/?$                     proto://servername:portnumber/user/index.php\
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                ^([^:]+)\
RewriteRule ^/rcp/?$                     proto://servername:portnumber/resellerpanel/index.php\
### End - Autocontrol ###\
'  < /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf > /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new
cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf
rm /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new

sed -e '/$rewrite_rules =~ s/proto/$proto/g;/a\
$rewrite_rules =~ s/portnumber/$portnumber/g;
'  < /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf > /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new
cp /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/httpd.conf
rm /tmp/TESTSCRIPT/.httpd.new


Best regards,
 Richard                          mailto:rkurth at starband.net

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