[PLUG] ppp[last]

Marvin J. Kosmal lamsokvr at xprt.net
Thu Nov 28 23:44:57 UTC 2002

> > 
> > 
> > OK-AT-Ok ATDT,,,,,,,,,,,3603144221
> Actually, when I think about it, adding a delay there won't work. It's still picking up the line, and listening for a dialtone, during the pause. When it doesn't get a dialtone, or one it understands anyway, it aborts. 
> I found the following page (google search) http://members.tripod.com/michaelgellis/modem.html.
> On it, it looks like you need to change the string to ATX0DT3603144221

This is the solution..

Thanks to everyone who sent ideas.



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