[PLUG] CD further burning

Stephen Liu satimis at writeme.com
Tue Sep 17 01:20:33 UTC 2002

Hi Fedor,

Fedor G. Pikus wrote:

- snip -

>This is correct. CD-RW have significantly lower reflectivity than CD-Rs
>(which in turn aren't quite as reflective as CDs). Many DVD players
>designed to play also MP3s and VCDs will handle CDRWs, but most CD players
Can DVD player read CDRWs even not fixated ???

>They aren's supposed to. Furthemore, most CD players won't play a
>multisession CD even after it's fixated, they'll only play the first
I carried a test burning multisessions on CDRW.  After burning of 1st 
session I left it unfixated.  I continued to burn 2nd session also 
unfixated and then fixated the whole CDRW afterwards.  When I played the 
CDRW on CD player I only found the first session.  I am uncertain 
whether I did something wrong because I am a beginner using CD burner in 
Linux environment.  The software used was Xcdroast.

I am going to get a DVD player if it can play CDRW unfixated.

Could you shed me some light.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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