[PLUG] Killing hidden processes

stuart mathews smathews at pcez.com
Fri Sep 27 15:59:58 UTC 2002

>> Is that process listed in /etc/inittab with a respawn option?
>Have you checked your kill binary to ensure it is not part of the
>rootkit and is ignoring the other trojaned binaries?
>FWIW, I did sucessfully recover a machine that had been compromised
>without a wipe and reinstall.  The keys for me were:
>	ensuring the RPM was clean
>	getting lsattr and rmattr clean
>	getting ps, ls, top clean
>	using nessus on the system
>	being highly motivated to keep trying.
>      Michael Rasmussen  aka  mikeraz

Is the process of replacing an ls or ps as simple as deleting the old file and
replacing it with a known good version, or are there all kinds of other issues
like pointers to and from the file that must be dealt with as well?


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