[PLUG] Sent Mail + Postfix

Paul Heinlein heinlein at attbi.com
Fri Apr 11 17:09:02 UTC 2003

On 11 Apr 2003, Brian Beattie wrote:

> I run evolution and access the server via imap, I even store
> sent-mail in an imap folder, so everything is on the server.

I do the same thing with pine, though I have two imap stores: one at 
work and one at home. I just tell pine "when sending mail as work-me, 
keep an fcc in {work}sent-mail; when sending mail as home-me, keep an 
fcc in {home}sent-mail."

It just works.

Also, I use the UW imap server, which stores mail for me in plain old 
mbox files...

--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at attbi.com>

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