[PLUG] To secondary MX or not to

Michael Robinson michael at robinson-west.com
Sat Apr 19 11:32:01 UTC 2003

On Wednesday 16 April 2003 03:56 pm, you wrote:
> The advice should've been not to have a secondary MX if your primary MX
> is always available.
> The reasons spammers target secondary MX servers are:
> 1. They hope the policies are lenient on the secondary (usually due to
>    not having authoritative account information held locally).
> 2. They believe the secondary will not be faster due to most mail routing
>    through the primary.
> 3. They don't think anyone examines the logs on the secondary.
> The reasons to have a secondary MX anyway are:
> 1. Scheduled or unscheduled maintenance on the primary MX.
> 2. Network outages.
> 3. Too much load on the primary.

Wouldn't the obvious thing to do be setting the secondary up with 
the same rules as the primary.  Network filesystems 
are popular but I wouldn't want to use them from the primary 
because the event of the primary going down would take the 
secondary out as well.  The best way to set a secondary up from 
what I can see is with the same rules as the  primary and with
the ability to substitute the secondary for the primary.  The latter
may mean that people have to set up another imap account
unless there is a way to transparently have one imap server
address go to the exchanger currently serving the mail.  If
the primary is out it would be the secondary.

The more I think about it the more I realize there should probably 
be a set of redundant network file servers behind gateway/Internet/mail 
servers which distribute authentication services and protect data 
used on the outside boxes.  If you put these cross server 
authentication services on your outside boxes there is the problem 
of having to be able to distribute information from 
a server that is live.  This becomes a problem when none of 
these machines are dedicated to be up for authentication.  If 
you distribute the same information from all of your servers 
you have just defeated the point of distributing authentication
information and probably could have done it more easily by 
manually programming each server's password file to be the same.
More servers means more power though I guess this can be
alleviated by using older computers.  The other issue with
distributed authentication is that it is common to have some
accounts that are unique on each server that shouldn't be
available on all.

With the logs the easy solution is remote loggis available, but some consider 
that practice taking advantage of
> spool space on the sending servers...
ing.  There is one
thing I really don't like about this though and that's having the logs
from multiple machines dump into one set of files on the log server.
I would like to have each machine's logs in seperate files or at
least have the log files sorted so that in chronological order 
there would all logs from machine A ... followed by all logs from m
achine N.  This probably involves turning logging off, sorting the 
logs, then restarting the log daemons.  With the latter approach,
the end of the log would always be unsorted.  It would be nice 
instead of turning logging off to dump to a temporary log during the
sort.  Then one would only sort the original log files once and
afterwards not dump to them directly, but dump to a temporary
instead.  With two sets of temporaries that are recycled over
time, logging would never have to be suspended except when
space is exhausted.  One temporary gets sorted and appended 
to the main logs while the other catches new logs.  Many 
references say to put all logs into one file but this is ugly 
because there are different types of logs which are easier 
to see in their own files and the log file gets very long very 
fast.  I've seen emailers which probe logs, I'd much rather 
figure out how to get a perl script to put graphics based on 
the logs such as histograms, pie charts, etc. on a private 
lan management web site.  The easier it is to see important 
events in the logs the more likely an administrator is to take 
needed action reducing the security risk of providing any 
service over potentially malicious networks.

I don't know about the speed issue.  The cool thing to do 
would be to have a mail server stop accepting mail when 
it's jammed and open up again when it is say 20% free on 
spool space.  I would think that speed is a spammers 
friend as they can send more junk to you unless the 
purpose of spamming is to cause DoS.  At the end of the
day connections for spammers can possibly be refused,
but what's to stop their flood of requests from taking away
all your bandwidth anyhow?  One doesn't have to be 
accepted to send a connection request.  This seems like
an area where a network authority severing the spammers
connection to the Net is the only solution.  There's
something called tarpitting where you allow conenction
but the connection goes into a black hole.  I guess you'd
have to allow the spammer to flood the tar pit though which
probably means that the ISP has to do the tar pitting.

     --  Michael C. Robinson

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