[PLUG] Comanche on RedHat 9 installation question....

Rik Fischer Smoody linux at smOO.com
Fri Aug 8 15:28:02 UTC 2003

I feel like the mouse in a psychologist's maze:
	I can smell the cheese, but I haven't quite reached it.

	I'm looking for help getting  a separate (webpage) server
	(Comanche, runs in Squeak)
	up in addition to Apache on Linux (Redhat 9)

	I think this is likely entirely outside of Squeak, but instead suffering
	from an over-protective firewall or some such...
	I have tested using complete-slut iptables and
	turning off ip6tables from redhat-config-services

	Thus I beg for help from Linux experts.


I set up an old PC with RedHat 9
but I am having more than a bit of trouble getting a simple? thing  to work.

If I turn ON httpd, I can see www.smoo.com through Apache,
and I can see from the Comanche server running in Squeak.
but still no http://www.smoo.com:8080, not even from within the local network.

If I run ComSwiki on port 8080 I can address it
from another machine on the local network as (for example)
but I cannot see it as http://www.smoo.com:8080

Within Squeak, I can see that the front part of the address has already been processed, so
(quite properly) all that gets sent in is /refs/11 (in the above example), and that part works great.
When the symbolic name is used, Squeak never sees anything.

I also came up short on trying to do the trick from  http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/swiki/91,
	but I could worry about that once I can see the very simple thing working.
This trick is setting up a VirtualHost  in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

As a loooong-time Smalltalker, I am not uncomfortable with letting
Comanche do all the serving and not bother with Apache at all.

It would seem that the simplest thing would be to run Comanche on port 80,
(having turned off httpd in redhat-config-services)
and I have tried...
I cannot even see http://localhost:80 when I do that...
and Squeak sees no requests at all.
Clearly NOT desirable.

My frontier of exploration is in  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
It looks like it has plenty of power to do the address substitution both ways.
Now if I could get it going at all.

If you happen to have some insight and/or I get this to work,
I'll be sure to put a note in the swiki 8-)
No, really, on  http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/swiki at Georgia Tech where swiki
implementors trade info.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Rik Fischer Smoody
smOOdynamics                    Systems Made Outa Objects
        2400 NE 25th, Suite 800
        Portland, OR 97212
 riks at smOO.com                 503-249-8300

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