[PLUG] The house bill, a possible problem...

Geoff Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Tue Aug 26 09:44:02 UTC 2003

On 26 Aug 2003, Cory Bertsch wrote:

> > You may have heard, recently, a guitar-string making company was
> > hostiley audited by the BSA and the owner chose to change to Linux in
> > response to how he was treated, and says he has saved a huge amount of
> > money and that he has not had to make one support call.
> The major kicker was that the BSA showed up with armed police to raid
> his place for software license violations AND on top of that he was
> charged nearly $100,000 for having only a handful of improperly licensed
> Windows installations. If you use Windows you better be careful.  :P
You forgot the part where Ball's case was used in countless commercials
as an example of ``this could happen to you" by the BSA & MS. It was a
case best decribed as ``You can't do it right, we're going to punish
you for it, & then we're going to subject you to public humiliation."

Sheesh, with treatment like that, you have to wonder how Microsoft has
any customers left.


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