[PLUG] Making a link on a web site not appear...

Kenneth G. Stephens kens at kens.cad2cam.com
Sat Aug 30 17:16:01 UTC 2003

On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 16:56, Michael C. Robinson wrote:
> For people who can't use it.  I want to have a link on my outside web
> site hidden from Internet clients.  What I want to do is
> have it be an anchor to a web server only my lan clients can get to.
> I'm using apache.  Other than this one link being different, I want 
> this page to be the home page for everyone at this site, lan and
> Internet clients.
>      --  Michael C. Robinson
If you have no link to it from your site, just have a filename other
than the default the server serves up.  If you have an index.html the
apache server serves that.  

The only way to get to your other named "site" is to open something
like: http:/your.site.com/other.html.  If no other site has a link to
that page, then the bots won't find it.  However, once someone else
links to it from an indexed site, then you have been found out.


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