[PLUG] Possible to get info out of a debian package?

AthlonRob AthlonRob at axpr.net
Mon Dec 15 16:22:02 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 16:14, Chris Jantzen wrote:

> Well, in general, .deb files are just ar files (like .rpm files are
> just cpio), so you can bust them apart that way.

Good to know... is there an easy way to download the package as a user
on a debian system?  I think I might have done it once, quite some time
ago, while setting up Jabber.

> But, you're in luck. I run Debian and I run bincimap. I don't use
> inetd, but the lines are still in there. ;-)

Hey, cool... thanks.  :-)

> The lines it puts in mine are:
> #<off>#imap	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/bincimap-up	/usr/sbin/bincimap-up --conf=/etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf --logtype=syslog -- /usr/bin/checkpw /usr/sbin/bincimapd
> #<off>#imaps	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/bincimap-up	/usr/sbin/bincimap-up --ssl --conf=/etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf --logtype=syslog -- /usr/bin/checkpw /usr/sbin/bincimapd
> (The "#<off>#" comment is just Debian's way of automagickally managing
> inetd.conf entries.)

Well, that's very very much like what I have, unfortunately.  All the
same, I'm going to try them out, paths fixed, of course.

I'll let you know how it goes.....  :-)


> Although, in truth, that doesn't look like anything special, and so
> perhaps your problem is elsewhere.

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