[PLUG] Message log interpretation needed

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Wed Dec 24 07:00:02 UTC 2003

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   I just discovered these messages filling up /var/log/messages for the past
> few days:
> Dec 24 04:17:24 salmo inetd[21326]: swat/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> Dec 24 04:17:24 salmo inetd[21326]: linuxconf/tcp: bind: Address already in use


I'd guess that you've got some persistent processes running on ports
901 (swat) and 98 (linuxconf), while having /etc/inetd.conf entries
for them as well.


  netstat -tln | egrep ':(901|98)'

If entries show up there, and I suspect they will, then double-check
which apps are using those ports:

  lsof -i :901
  lsof -i :98

If the COMMANDs are what you'd expect (probably httpd, but I'm unsure
of that), then check /etc/init.d for startup swat and/or linuxconf
startup scripts.

You'll either want to

1) make sure that those init scripts don't get launched at startup, or

2) comment out the entries from /etc/inetd.conf

Am I making any sense?

--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

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