[PLUG] I vote Karl's site must go, and now. For a simple reason.

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Tue Jan 7 03:24:04 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Zot" == Zot O'Connor <zot at zotconsulting.com> writes:

Zot> ...

Zot> I not going to argue the merits of Emacs vs. vi vs pico
Zot> vs. notepad.

Zot> But once a site requires, fucking requires an a particular editor
Zot> it has no freedom, no choice, and no business being on a Linux
Zot> site.

Relax.  Look at the CVS viewer, e.g. at: 


and this is what you'll see:

   <!DOCTYPE div PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
   <div class="contentbody">
   <%method BROWSER_TITLE>
   <%method TITLE>
   Portland Linux / Unix Group (PLUG)
   <%method last_updated>
   <!-- Created: Sun Jul 21 21:33:22 PDT 2002 -->
   <!-- hhmts start -->
   Last modified: Mon Jan  6 13:49:07 PST 2003
   <!-- hhmts end -->
   %# Local variables:
   %# mode: xml
   %# mmm-classes: (mason embedded-css embedded-javascript)
   %# sgml-omittag:t
   %# sgml-shorttag:t
   %# sgml-namecase-general:t
   %# sgml-general-insert-case:lower
   %# sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
   %# sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
   %# sgml-indent-step:1
   %# sgml-indent-data:t
   %# sgml-parent-document:nil
   %# sgml-exposed-tags:nil
   %# sgml-local-catalogs:("/etc/sgml/catalog")
   %# sgml-local-ecat-files:("ECAT" "~/sgml/ECAT" "/usr/lib/sgml/ECAT" "/usr/local/lib/sgml/ECAT")
   %# End:

Looks more-or-less like text to me.  

If you are suffering Emacs-phobia, you can ignore the "%# ..." stuff,
I think.  Those are comments wrapping emacs local variables for the
file.  Emacs magic.

See the "faq.html" for something with some existing content.


None of this message should be construed as taking a position who
should be doing what, when, where or with what vegetable.

Russell Senior         ``I've seen every kind of critter God ever made,
seniorr at aracnet.com      and I ain't never seen a meaner, lower, more
                         stinkin' yellow hypocrite than you!'' 
                                        -- Burl Ives as Rufus Hennessy

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