[PLUG] Spamassassin, procmail, and wtf

Rob Hudson rob at euglug.net
Mon Jul 14 23:00:02 UTC 2003

> On 20030714.2251, Wil Cooley said ...
> On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 22:48, Josh Orchard wrote:
> > I have a question now.  How does this command tell spamassassin to learn
> > what it missed?  I'm assuming that is what you are telling it correct? 
> > Did you move the ones it missed to a particular location and run
> > spamassassin against that dir?  This would be helpfull for the last bits
> > it is missing from mine as well.
> It pipes the message into sa-learn.

Yep.  :)

I also have a cron job that runs that looks like this:

## Rebuild Bayesian database for SpamAssassin
30  1 * * * root  /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --rebuild

Since I'm telling it not to rebuild since, from the sounds of it, is
somewhat time-consuming.


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