[PLUG] Re: X-message-flag header and LookOut!

Tyler Creelan creelan at engr.orst.edu
Fri Jul 25 07:11:02 UTC 2003

On Jun 20, Sandy Herring wrote:

> This is one of the coolest tricks I've seen in a long time!
> http://www.rodos.net/outlook/

I've experimented with the "Reply-By" header mentioned in this article a
bit, and suspect the pop-up message is only observed an hour after the
deadline passes. So it might be preferable to pick the current date and
have the message 'expire' after arrival. For example you could put the
lines below in .muttrc.

my_hdr X-Message-Flag: Install Linux
my_hdr Reply-By: `date +"%a, %d %b %G %T -0700"`

So now Outlook will print (rather imperiously) "Install Linux by 11:00 Thursday".



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