[PLUG] KVM switch - spelling

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Wed Jul 30 23:20:03 UTC 2003

Keep in mind that I've refrained for hours in replying to this WAY OFF 
TOPIC thread. :)

Josh Orchard wrote:

>Before someone would have
>said. "After the meeting I'll discuss this with my boss for her opinion"
>Now "I'll ping my boss after we are offline"
>Terminology like that bothers me.  Not really sure why but I guess to
>makes them appear uneducated.  And this is from PhD's and otherwise
>intelligent people
Why? It's more concise, it conveys the same message, and English is an 
evolving language.

My pet peeve is contractions that cause redundancy.

Such as the ever popular "You've got mail." When this "simple" sentance 
is expanded, you have "You have got mail". I was taught that this is 
improper. "You got mail" is also wrong. In addition, it just doesn't 
sound right if you say, "You've mail." So, my English Professor would 
have said that the proper form of this sentence would be, "You have mail".

But then I look at what I wrote you in response to your "bother". Why 
does this bother me? It still conveys the same message. English is an 
evolving language.

On and on and on and on.

Yada yada yada.


Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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"Every year, back comes Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the ground all mucked up with plants." - Dorothy Parker

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