[PLUG] Mail abuse problem

Paul Heinlein heinlein at attbi.com
Mon Jun 2 10:14:02 UTC 2003

On 2 Jun 2003, Holger Stephan wrote:

> No SSL on SMTP, but it's planned now. 

Hah! That's what you think. :-) Take a good look at your mail log, 
you'll see plenty of entries that show you're already doing SSL on 

  Jun  1 05:03:33 servername sendmail[30187]: STARTTLS=server, 
  relay=franklin.cse.ogi.edu [], version=TLSv1/SSLv3,
  verify=NO, cipher=EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, bits=168/168

So franklin.cse.ogi.edu, the main mail server for the CSE dept at
OGI/OHSU, negotiated a 168-bit key exchange with your server. And,
sure enough, you can use the openssl binary (0.9.7 or higher) to
verify that:

  [heinlein]$ openssl s_client -connect servername:25 -starttls smtp

Just make sure you substitute your real server name for 'servername.' 
:-) Grep your sendmail.cf for '/ssl/' to get all the references.

--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at attbi.com>

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