[PLUG] FW: port 80 problem

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Fri Jun 27 08:40:02 UTC 2003

* Mike De La Mater <mikedela at ipns.com> [2003-06-27 08:08]:
> BTW- If you post to this list in plaintext, instead of HTML, 
> you'll get to more geeks. Some on the list hate HTML mail and 
> send it to the bit bucket before it ever gets seen.

And others of us, while we don't hate html email, use text based email
clients, so it's some work to view an "html only" posting. 

For email, text is best. :)

Then again, maybe I do hate html email and don't realize it. If I get
html only mail, 9 times out of 10 I delete it without trying to read it,
because it's almost always spam.... 

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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