[PLUG] Add a hard drive without rebooting?

Kyle Accardi sandbox at pacifier.com
Fri Mar 14 18:25:02 UTC 2003

Sandy Herring wrote:
> Well, Rob is far from the only uptime-obsessed geek out there...

I recently took one of mine down after more than a year, consolation
is being able to blow the banks of dust out of the thing with an air 
compressor.  Just wish I had taken it outside first.

As a former electronic tech I can vouch for the hazard of dust on circuitry, 
it can be conductive.  So multiple long uptimes may be better than going for 
a single record.

It helps if you can keep the table saw in another room.  At least the dog 
doesn't like to hang with me in the basement.

Kyle Accardi

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