[PLUG] stupid shell question

David Fleck dcf at aracnet.com
Sat Mar 15 16:48:01 UTC 2003

> I suppose PS1=xxxxxx isn't a command per se, but I was under the
> impression I could use it to change my prompt.  I am not sure where it
> is located as a file, but according to what I have read, typing the new
> prompt would return the changes, albeit temporarily for that session.

I think the problem here is shell confusion - mixing commands between tcsh
and bash.  To change the prompt in bash, try 'export PS1=my_new_prompt'.

> I added an alias to my .bashrc file where I found other aliases and it
> never worked.  It always returned a 'command not found' error.  I
> thought that I could also type this at the prompt to create an alias for
> the session.

Look in the bash man page, under the INVOCATION section.  A login shell
reads /etc/profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.bash_profile, and ~/.profile, in
that order, if they exist - a non-login, but interactive shell will read

David Fleck
dcf at aracnet.com

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