[PLUG] TIP: Don't use versions in OpenOffice.org

Steve Bonds 1s7k8uhcd001 at sneakemail.com
Mon May 5 16:01:02 UTC 2003

On 5 May 2003, Wil Cooley wcooley-at-nakedape.cc |PDX Linux| wrote:

> I just lost several hours worth of work in a document I was using
> versions with.  I'd recommend NOT trying to use the internal
> versioning, unless you're more assiduous about keeping your files in
> CVS (which I have been, but I'd neglected this document).

After losing a massive Excel spreadsheet several times when doing the same
thing, I now rely exclusively on external versioning systems.

Maybe OpenOffice emulated Excel TOO well this time.

  -- Steve

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