[PLUG] web dev question

Matt Alexander m at pdxlug.org
Wed Nov 5 07:30:02 UTC 2003

Jason Van Cleve said:
> Thus spoke Matt Alexander, on Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:45:28 -0800 (PST):
>> for updating the database.  For reasons I haven't yet figured out, the
>> script would hang permanently after the query string reached a certain
>> length.  I did some testing and found that updating each field after
> I'm curious:  were you using GET or POST?  There is a limit, I believe, on
> GET forms, because all the name/values go into the URL.

Yes, GET was most likely the problem.  How would I submit my Javascript
variable using POST instead?  Doing a regular POST form submit would be a
PITA because of the way my HTML tables are dynamically generated...

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