[PLUG] Worms that attack Linux...

Michael C. Robinson michael at robinson-west.com
Sun Nov 9 22:55:02 UTC 2003

Googling a bit I run into something called slapper and
another worm called lion.  I don't get how Lion supposedly
does this, but reportedly it can take the system passwords 
and send them to China.

I run apache as a non root user, the only thing
that would be better would be to run it chroot.

What I don't get is how someone can do damage through
your web server.  Web servers aren't supposed
to be able to cause side affects on the machine they
are running on.  How are people getting web servers
on remote sites to run arbitrary code?

What's this bind vulnerability that slapper supposedly
takes advantage of?  How many worms affect Linux systems?
How about virii and trojans?  Installing chroot is a pain,
but anymore it seems like the only way to protect against
software flaws.

Michael C. Robinson

Associates of General Studies 
PCC March 2003.

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