[PLUG] Clinic tomorrow?

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Fri Nov 14 16:03:02 UTC 2003

I haven't seen (or don't remember seeing) an announcement in the last
few days.  My nth_fooday script (day_of_week=1 for Sunday, ..., =7 for
Saturday) is telling me:

   $ cal | awk 'BEGIN { day_of_week = 7 ; nth_week = 3 } NR == 1 { month = $1 ; year = $2 } NR > 2 && NF > (7-day_of_week) { week++ } week == nth_week { print month,$(day_of_week + NF - 7) ", " year }'
   November 15, 2003

I assume the clinic is on as usual, but that the announcement was
eaten by the family dog.

BTW, January's first Thursday lands rather auspiciously:

   $ cal 1 2004 | awk 'BEGIN { day_of_week = 5 ; nth_week = 1 } NR == 1 { month = $1 ; year = $2 } NR > 2 && NF > (7-day_of_week) { week++ } week == nth_week { print month,$(day_of_week + NF - 7) ", " year }' 
   January 1, 2004

What is the plan for the January 2004 General Monthly Meeting?

Russell Senior         ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
seniorr at aracnet.com

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