Matthew Van Gordon mvangord at hotpop.com
Thu Nov 20 20:35:02 UTC 2003

I have been using WEP to secure my coms but I have always wanted to got to a 
more secure method. 

Basically I have a WAP plugged into a switch. I have a 486DX4-120 with 24MB 
ram doing nothing that I would like to make the WAP gateway and implement 
IPSEC or some sort of VPN, but I am not sure where to go from here. I also 
have a P3-500 runing win2k as a server that I am willing to run Linux on if 
that is needed. 

What software would you use to implement a VPN/secure wireless netrwork?
How would you go about doing this?
What are you Caveats?
What have I/others missed?

Thank you in advanced, 

--- Matthew


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