[PLUG] No to moderation

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Sat Nov 29 19:00:02 UTC 2003

* Michael C. Robinson <michael at robinson-west.com> [2003-11-29 16:26]:
> > Rather than asking you, once again, to let this thread drop, I
> > will ask that you unplug your computer for a day, go to the park
> > or somewhere nice and quiet, and reflect on this: PLUG is a public,
> > archived forum. Think about it.
> Just kill file if you believe in that so much.


Why should everyone else be subjected to your ideals of what should or
should not be talked about?

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

Top post? http://www.caliburn.nl/topposting.html

Random thought #8 (Collect all 22)
"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong." - Peter T. McIntyre

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